
In some article some time back- I can’t remember then whens , whos and hows- it said that you can tell a lot about the person by seeing what they like reading in the bathroom.


voting woes.

me: Should I vote tomorrow?

k: No. What is the point? Not like there is a great promise of change being made either way.

me: I don’t know. Atleast I will have earned the right to whine and complain about the country then. If i don’t do anything, then technically it means I didn’t even try to initiate “change” on any level.

k: Guilt-free cribbing! Point.  So you’re voting for sure then?

me (pause) : I don’t know…

It’s a few minutes after midnight and tomorrow morning I either cast my vote and earn the right to say all sorts of things about Pakistan or I don’t vote, giving into the easy cynical belief that nothing will change so why bother. Part of me is still of the belief that a single vote counts- despite everyone around me scoffing at the idea. And the other part of me is giving into the thinking that this bullying form of elections should not be supported. Does the ordinary individual count on any level, I wonder, in what happens tomorrow?

will the real politicians please stand up?

So BB is dead- God give her peace though she never really gave her country any- so where are the people who belioeved in her struggle for democracy? Why are they not standing up and asking her party workers to help mainatin sense?  Whya re they not strongly denouncing the barbarism that is rampant in the name of her death? Is this what one wants a “great leader” to be remembered by? The mayhem that he passing away caused? The burning of cities? The looting? The smashing of cars? The harassment of ordinary people trying to lives their lives? Why is no one getting up taking a stand against this rubbishy violence? Where are her followers who touted the much heard words of less poverty and more employment?

We are sick of politicians who are here because they had their own to get back from the country regarding their fathers or who have vested interst in lands and deals across borders. We have had enough of those who shout and scream at the masses because that is the only way they know how to empassion a crowd. Can we have some sincerity? Some reality? Some truth? Can we please have someone who actually cares about this country stand up for once? Take charge? Arrest a few. Punish a few. Do what needs to be done. Clean up. Teach people some real stuff. Can we have some good old fashioned actual politics which is dynamic and powerful and brings about true change in the quality of life?

A simple request.


Take a photograph like this, of angry men, in any country, any city, any area of the world and yes, the caption will fit. Very few countries remain not torn and  shredded by varying its political climate at some point or the other in world history. My request to the world at large is to back off with the name-calling and try and let us go through this without needing to point fingers, slap labels and constantly mete out advice which isn’t pertinent to our culture, our way of thinking or our current situation. 

The Morning After-

We went to sleep last night at 10:30 after a monotonous hour of watching B continue to crawl slowly through the streets of Karachi.  You can imagine what I felt when k brought the paper in. Only questions come to mind. Only questions. Why would a “leader” for the sake of hoo haa endanger lives? Why would the same “leader” cry upon arriving in the country but not know that lives will be lost the same day? Why would a “leader” come back to “eradicate poverty and unemployment” when everyone knows she is the one who ran away with the money in the first place?

In all this my poor city, my poor country suffers. Someone commented that its hard to remain patriotic after all this. Actually I find it easier. It’s love for the country that increases, the need to protect is, through prayers or actions or simply by living a good exmaple of a life. Its the hate of these “leaders” that goes up who dare put their pictures up with Quaid-e-Azam’s, thinking that their efforst could hold a candle upto something as grand as freedom, which he fought for and which we don’t know how to take care or cherish. It’s easy to feel strongly for the country now because you see her suffer in the hands of the “powerful leaders” who are using the lack of education and basic amenities to bribe and dupe people into dreams of a better tomorrow. Will the better tomorrow arrive? Possibly. As long these wonderful leaders stop arriving.

You’ve Got the Look.

I went to my bank today to pick up my debit card. Now this is a local neigbourhood bank and everyone there knows me. We went through the usual salams and how are yous and the lady in charge coochi-cooed Naddu and we chit chatted as she asked me to take a seat for a few minutes so she could enable my card. Less than 3 feet away on my left side sat 2 ladies, attired in the abayas- the long coats- but no scarves or hijab- just a normal dupatta covering their head. As I sat and waited, one of them looked at me and then turned to the other and said something who also turned to look at me blank expression. And they kept looking for the next 3 minutes , not bothering to be discreet or apologetic about their behaviour, while I sat there, feeling increasingly uncomfortable, followed by irritated. Just to clarify, I was not wearing odd clothes and they were not looking at my baby- pretty much the only two reason I can think of for being looked at so thoroughly.

We all look. It’s a fact. We look for different reasons but we all do look. It will be the cute baby- in which case a smile becomes important- ot it will be the strange clothes- in which case you need to be be discreet. It could be the very hot guy- discretion again; or a dramatic situation- which would require more behaviour management. And if we have accepted that fact that we do look, then we need to know the rules also.

1. A look should be a few seconds of appraisal long and not an obsessive and obvious stare.

2. A look is a societally accepted way of acknowledging another person. Whatever the reason might be for it. Respect that and behave as it demands.

3. When caught in the act of looking, either smile casually and look away or smile casually and look away. Just common decency.

4. A look is a harmless way of connecting with someone- you WILL know when it turns “off”, weird, uncomfortable or lecherous. Again respond accordingly. You can either simply walk off, give a dirty look before walking off or if you are angry/brave/stupid enough, go up and call it. Your call.

5. A look in the right time and place can lead to anything. Use it, don’t abuse it.